Keynote: Model-Based Design for Digital Engineering: Impact and Directions
Keynote: The Pursuit of Zero-Defect Development
Optimising the Energy Efficiency of Electric Vehicles with Simulink and Simscape
Integrating AI into Simulink for Simulation and Deployment
Master Class: How to Develop Next Generation AI-Based Wireless Communications Systems
Daniel Aronsson, MathWorks Nadia Shivarova, MathWorks
Master Class: Going Beyond the Electrical in Modelling Energy Storage Systems
Tom Grimble, MathWorks
Master Class: Developing, Testing, and Deploying Models and Algorithms in the Cloud
Charles Hawkins, MathWorks Amélie Lamarquette, MathWorks
Master Class: Developing Architectures with System Composer
Mark Walker, MathWorks
Women in Tech: Autonomous Vehicles and the Road from Engineering to Tech
Amy Rimmer, Oxa
Women in Tech: Digital Transformation and Model Driven Engineering in Real Applications
Deepaa Ganesh, QinetiQ
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